When it comes to the most influential and successful tech entrepreneurs of the world Oliver Roup would not be too far down the list. He is also a computer scientist with both bachelor and master’s degree in computer science from the MIT. Later, he received a MBA degree from the prestigious Harvard Business School in 2009. It was also the same year when Oliver co-founded VigLink Inc. after 15 years of enriching experience in the software industry. Through the course of this 15 years Oliver has worked with many eminent companies and proved his mettle.


He has worked with MIT Media Lab as a research assistant and founded some very effective software and hardware tools. One of them is called ‘hive’ which has proved to be a famous toolkit to manufacture distributed software system. Then he shifted from research industry and joined Scient as an associate. Subsequently, Oliver has worked with two start-ups, Echo Network which is the pioneer in online radio as the director of advanced technology and then, with Edudsoft as an architect and engineer.

Consequently, Roup’s career took a huge turn when he started working for Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen at Vulcan Inc, for iplayer at BBC and then for Microsoft as a director. At Microsoft he took care of different media properties such as XBOX Live Video Marketplace, MSN Entertainment and Zune Marketplace.


Oliver also has patents that are issued and pending, covering micro-transactions, metadata and media. Presently, he is running his own company VigLink, a platform that is meant for web publishers to monetize easily the outgoing links to their websites. His company now looks after in excess of 10 billion page views every month. Oliver is well and truly one of the most dominant entrepreneurs with the power to shape the future of the internet industry.