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Lane Becker is around the internet ever since its inception. From his first work-study assignment in 1994 which was aboutdeveloping websites for Texas University to his maiden start-up in 1999. Lane was the co-founder of Adaptive Path in the year of 2001 which is among the very first design companies based on used experience. He also co-founded Get Satisfaction which is an online platform for customer service which is now used by in excess of 75,000 companies and has acquired more than 20 million dollar so far.

While working with Adaptive Path, Lane provided New Ventures program along with consultations and it assisted many budding start-ups with development of products in return for equity. This program witnessed many successful exits. Lane also developed a blog analytic tool called Measure Map. Google acquired this tool and integrated in Google Analytics.

Lane was the co-writer of the famous book ‘Get Lucky: How to Put Planned Serendipity to Work’ along with Thor Muller who was the co-founder of Get Satisfaction as well. This book created ripples in the industry and was declared as the best seller business book by New York Times. This book deals with the ways to harness serendipity as a business trick. From the early days of 2014, Lane has started working with a non profit called Code for America as the director of products and start-ups. This non profit will assist residents as well as government to use technology to fix community issues. Lane is the venture advisor at


He is also an efficient speaker and has provided training on user experience for many organizations such as the Bank of America. At present he is located at San Francisco, California Bay Area and he takes interests in kayaks, cocktails, pool parties, nonfictions.


Popularly known as Cygnus or @CygnusSEO which is his twitter handle, Joe Sinkwitz is regarded as one of the most influential online media experts. At present Joe holds the designation of the Chief of Revenue at CopyPress. He is keeping a close eye on how search methods have evolved over the years and making sure that the outreach products and contents on offer are well ahead of the common masses. Some of the niches where Joe’s skill and expertise are noticed include social media marketing, copywriting, lead generation, link building, interactive marketing, creative strategy, angel investing, SEO copywriting and auditing.

Joe boasts 11 years of glorious career in which he has penned down quite a few useful books on content and SEO. One of his earlier books was ‘Selling the Virtues of Interactive Content, a How-to for Agencies’. This book was published back in the January, 2007 and it discusses about the ways agencies can tackle objections from clients while selling interactive content to them. With the success of this book, Joe didn’t look back anymore and continued to come up with informative and insightful books. His book on ‘Lateral Vs Traditional SEO’ was highly acclaimed among SEO professionals as it was written from editor’s perspective to bring an end to the age-long controversy between ‘black hat SEO’ and ‘white hat SEO’ concepts in SEO community.

‘Stop Questioning Negative SEO’ is another book framed by Joe and as the title suggests it exhibits the lack of logic among those who opine negative SEO is far from being a possibility. Apart from being the author of these books Joe is also an invited expert at SEOkoberfest from 2009 till date. In the marketing and advertising industry, Joe Sinkwitz has a total of 11,853 colleagues in about 1,125 companies situated in 56 countries and over the course of the past 12 month 5,205 executive movements have been recorded.

Jerry West

Jerry West had set his foot in the domain of SEO and web designing back in 1996 and set up his first campaign in affiliate marketing in 2000. He now owns a company called Web Marketing Now that offers services in diverse niches such as search engine placement, web design, web programming, ad copy writing, professional web site reviewing, marketing consulting and directory listings. He is also the author of the book, SEO Revolution.

Jerry began his career as a software tester back in 1989. He worked with two companies named WordPerfect and Novell till 1996. This experience has provided Jerry with the skill and expertise to rule the SEO market. He tests each and every approach and takes nothing as true except for the data and this skill helped him break down the algorithms of search engines and become an adept SEO. Now he contributes to PubCon and Webmaster World, two major events in the SEO community.

Jerry formed his maiden company, West Web Design in 1996. Later in 1999, he founded Web Marketing Now when working with a company called Netgateway as the director of marketing which is no longer in existence. In spite of his valiant efforts to take the company on the NASDAQ he had to face a reality check in 2000 after the infamous ‘dot bomb crash’. Over the course of his career he has provided several online establishments with consultation such as Psion Techlogix, General Electric, Tupperware,, AT&T and Sun Systems.

Jerry has proved his efficiency in public speaking as well. He was the speaker at Ultra Advanced Symposium Series from 2004-2006 in places like Las Vegas, Vancouver, Orlando, and Toronto. Jerry was also one of the members in the panel of Organic SEO at Search Engine Strategies located in San Jose with engineers from Google, Microsoft and Yahoo!


Based out of Boulder, Colorado Erika Napoletano is one of the most talked-about marketing and advertising experts of today. She is also a great speaker, columnist and brand strategist. Even though Forbes Magazine ridiculed Erika in a humorous way, however, on a more serious note; she has been pursuing and enjoying a very successful career as an author and a speaker.

Erika loves to support people so that they can start their own business in any field that they desire to evolve. It is very natural for all of us to get stuck at one point and having known that Erika gets folks UNstuck and help them cross the hurdle of all those that stop them from being great. She presently works at the RHW Media Inc. as the chief redhead. Apart from writing for her organisation she is also the author of celebrated book ‘The Power of Unpopular’ which was published by John Wiley & Sons on March 11, 2012.

She is also a famous columnist as she writes for the open forum of American Express and Entrepreneur Magazine. She also delivers speeches at several conferences across the USA about the significance of truth or in her words ‘unpopularity’ in business. Erika is also considered as a highly famous speaker from TEDx Boulder.

Erika has penned down two books so far; one of those is called ‘The Insider’s Guide to Egg Donation’ in which she was the co-writer along with Wendie Wilson-Miller. This book is written from the point of view of a long-term professional in fertility industry. This book happened to be the first guide for the prospective parents. This book has won many awards in the likes of IBPA (Gold Award – LGBT category) and Benjamin Franklin Award in 2013. She presently lives in Chicago, Illinois along with two cats and two dogs.