Bryan O’Neil is one of the leading experts in the niche of venture capital and private equity. He received his formal education from Cyprus Institute of Marketing and presently he is based out of UK. At Present Bryan is the member of the board at Centurika which is located in Manchester, UK and also holds the designation of business advisor at Flippa. Before that he was the co-founder at Flipping Enterprises Ltd, situated in London, UK.

At Flippa which is one of the biggest marketplaces for online businesses, Bryan efficiently took its brokerage service called Deal Flow to another level by improving its infrastructure. He also trained staffs in facets like business brokerage and due diligence. Bryan made sure that the sellers and buyers of web businesses are happy with the service by working with them closely.

Bryan co-founded Centurika along with Kaspars Peksens and Justin Gilchrist. After noticing a major loophole in the domain of online business acquisitions he has started providing investors who come with a view to acquiring web properties with website valuation services and top-notch online business due diligence. Apart from being the spearhead of these online establishments Bryan is also highly passionate about business intelligence and cutting-edge technology. Books thathe has penned down so far exude his passion and in-depth knowledge perfectly.

One of his recent book is called ‘Money Follows Speed – ‘6 Principles a Startup CEO *MUST* Understand – or Face Disaster’ and it discusses about some principles that the owners of a start-up company should follow in order to survive. Among his other books, ‘The Break Up: End Your Love Affair With Organic Traffic!’ and ‘Key Differences in Performing Due Diligence on Online vs. Brick-and-Mortar Businesses’ are the most popular ones. Being a serial entrepreneur, Bryan runs many side projects of his own.

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